Create a complete content system that gets book sales flying in!

let me guess…YOU WANT TO:
Stop feeling like you’re the only author who can’t use Instagram to hit their sales goals...you CAN!
Wake up with a social strategy that’s working- the content, the hashtags, the engagement
Not waste hours and hours on social media “stuff” that isn’t achieving your goals. Instead, let’s...
Create a social plan that fits YOUR schedule...so you can spend more time writing, NOT sifting through hashtags that don’t work (been there!!)
Become an influential writer that gets dream opportunities coming to you, like working with your perfect publisher
Unlock the secrets to Instagram so you can have a hugely lucrative book launch with tons of book sales!

but you struggle with….
Knowing what the heck to post to reach your ideal readers and authors
Figuring out what ‘hashtag strategy’ IS and choosing the hashtags that work for YOU and YOUR book
Creating a content cocktail that showcases your book AND excites your growing audience
Understanding all this ‘engagement’ jazz. You’re ready to learn a strategic way to connect with your audience that doesn’t feel ‘salesy’ and weird
Knowing WHERE the hell to look to find all these answers.

I Get It….
You see super-successful authors bringing in loads of book sales from Instagram, but you’re missing the secret sauce...a strategy that works for YOU
You’ve gotten some book sales, but would love to be hitting your actual sales goals, and haven’t yet
You’re thinking social media seems like a crazy puzzle- what to post, how to use hashtags effectively, how to get your content to convert for you, and sometimes just want to give up on the whole thing
You’re wondering where your people are- the audience of readers, writers, and reviewers that continues to grow with you, support you, and buy books from you
You’re done with a million different tips that don’t really work for you as a writer, and are ready to publish your book easier + establish a real name for yourself in the writing world
MOST OF ALL… you’re done stressing and Google-ing and downloading a million ‘freebies’ that don’t work for you. It’s time to get this Instagram thing DOWN by investing in a rinse-and-repeat system to make long-term book sales over and over again!
…but I’ve got a solution for you!

Come Join Me in the Author’s Hashtaggable Content Course!
this course is for you if:
You’ve worked your arse off on your book, and are ready to see the results, like growing your following, more notability as an author + finding your dream publisher
You’re sick and tired of posting content that ONLY seems to attract writers, never readers. You’re ready for readers that want to buy your amazing book!
You’ve been writing for years, and are pissed that you’ve gotta spend SO much more time trying to find readers on social media. You’re ready to remove the stress and find a process that get readers coming to you
You’re an aspiring author and are ready to get the attention of more publishers on social media (which is totally possible)
You want to understand how the Instagram algorithm works, so you can connect to more of your people with ease
You’ve got one or more books out, and are ready for readers and reviewers lining up for your current and upcoming book launches
You want a strategy that makes more book sales, so you can spend more time doing what you love (hello, writing!) rather than spending your whole life on social media

This Course Is Not for You If:
You don’t believe social media can EVER work to sell your book (It can it can it can - I’ve worked with over 50 clients and helped them have successful book launches!)
You aren’t willing to learn and implement new strategies to create content
You think your following should just grow without you doing anything...hello, you gotta give a little to get a little guys
You don’t think growing a following matters, and don’t want to try to achieve social growth
You aren’t willing to put in the work to try a new way to get to your goals
You’re only interested in quick hacks to book sales and success
You’re only looking for the “secrets” to monetizing your Instagram, rather than learning how NEW strategies, authenticity, elbow grease and consistency can help you achieve all of your author goals

Find the 6 types of followers you need to skyrocket your career as an author
Figure out the Instagram puzzle- that cocktail of content, hashtags, and engagement- that SEEMS crazy confusing (it won’t be after this course!)
Make the most of hashtags to bring your fans to you, create hashtaggable content that appeals to them, and craft an engagement strategy that fits your life
Understand your options for creating sales content for your book- just posting your book cover over and over again ain’t gonna cut it!!
AT THE END OF THIS COURSE…. You’ll have a simple, authentic Instagram gameplan that’s easy to follow and replicate, and brings in raving readers, writers and sales!

Who are your 6 ideal types of reader, writer and reviewer on Instagram
How to deep dive into these ideal follower types and find out who they are
The 8 main types of hashtags for writers
How to organize/research your hashtags and how to use them strategically
Finding your ideal reviewers & their hashtags
Finding your ideal writer followers & their hashtags
Finding your ideal reader & their hashtag
The hashtag assembly system
The reviewer engagement helper
The reader engagement helper
The author engagement helper
The 30-minute engagement plan AND the hour engagement plan – from the previous course (both back by popular demand!)
Content types that engage – from the previous course (back by popular demand!)
Content forms that engage – PRESENT 2
The caption variation system
The cover reveal
The slow book knowledge system
The kinds of content that sell
User-generated content & storytelling content
The Goodreads or partnered giveaway
The 3D book cover
Photography and design basics
The Canva template redesign
The Snow photo editing tutorial
The wrap-up packet and key takeaways

Alrighty….who’s getting excited??? You know if this is for you, you ALREADY know ALL the things you’re gonna learn!
now let’s talk about the exciting extras:
This program is mostly video tutorials of how-to’s with actionable lessons inside each
There are also 11 hand-outs to help you implement all you’re going to learn
PLUS my early birds will also get a sweet bonus guide of 450 hashtags (That would take the normal Instagrammer at least 5 hours to compile...and you can get it for free!)
Although the bread and butter here is video courses, you’re NEVER alone with this course. You also get access to my private Facebook group where you can ask me questions + learn with other group members
Need more support? You can ALWAYS reach out to me for support on Instagram or email as well

“Thank you especially for the master class in what engagement looks like on social media!” -Elizabeth, author at Penguin
“You are a social media guru!” - Tammy, consulting agent

about your mentor
Hi. I’m Hannah Richards and I have worked with over 50 literary clients over the last 2.5 years growing their Instagram and Twitter accounts while helping them form engaged communities, find unique social media strategies to work for them, sell more books on social media and create more notability in the writing world. I have helped grow accounts for big 5 publishers, indie presses, and self-published authors alike through Mindbuck Media Book Publicity and through my own business, Hannah Richards Social Media.
It may surprise you, but my background is actually in theater with a degree in Theater Studies from Guilford College. However, my love of literature and my involvement in the literary world goes back as far as I can remember, with both my father and aunt being authors throughout my whole life.
I never really imagined myself in the social media world, until I saw just how lucrative a social strategy could be for my author clients. Since then, I have learned to take my theater skills and apply them to social media while also using my strategic mind to grow accounts through analysis of account performance and strong branding and content strategy. And now, through this course, I want to teach you all of my strategies so you can achieve YOUR unique business goals.

Why do I need to know how to use hashtags?
You need to know how to use hashtags because if you don’t know how to use them, your content will likely get lost in the shuffle and noise that is social media without a strategy.
Why do I need to create content?
Because content is what makes people interested in you and therefore interested in your book. With an effective content strategy, your content will convert for you, which means new sales coming to you!
What if I don’t have time to take the course?
You can take this course over time, giving yourself as much time as needed. You don’t have to take it all at once, but I do recommend taking it in order.
Are their payment plans?
To fit the budgets of my amazing customers, just like you, I strategically valued this course at an investment level that most said was feasible. However, I understand that we’re living in CRAZY times, especially economically, and I want to help you get your eyeballs on this course so you can achieve your goals. So if you’d like to discuss a payment plan, please message me. I want to give you the best possible options for you, and I’m happy to find the best plan for you!
Why is Instagram even important for authors?
Instagram is important because 1) publishers do look at it and if your book is similar to another’s and your social is worse, they might end up going with the other author if they don’t see the value, 2) readers are on Instagram and are buying books from people who they like know and trust, and 3) the more connections you have in the writing world, the more opportunities and sales you potentially can make.
Is this for authors who are currently unpublished?
Yes. This course is for any author who wants to have a better content strategy and have more book sales when their book does come out.