Advertise Your Unfinished Book: A Guide to Social Media Marketing for Authors Who Aren’t Finished Writing

Feel like you can’t advertise your unfinished book on Instagram until you’ve got a cover or a final edit? Think again! I’m showing you how and why you should start advertising long before you’re done with that manuscript.

Finishing a book is major feat. And driving publicity and sales for that book is a whole different challenge. 

You’re going to see a lot more success if you start growing your online presence as an author NOW than if you wait until your book has gone to print. 

In case you’re curious, “unfinished” applies to loose outlines, a few completed chapters, or a full manuscript awaiting editing. You don’t have to be very far along at all to start effectively marketing your book and yourself.

3 Ways to Advertise Your Unfinished Book on Instagram

1 - Share your writing process.

The process of writing is FULL of fascinating steps and frustrating challenges. Share the entire process with your audience so they can see the love, sweat, and tears that go into the finished product. 

Introduce your audience to your characters and build excitement about your story. People will be dying to get their hands on your book once you’ve built up their anticipation!

2 - Establish a writer brand that is about more than your book.

YOU are your brand, not your book. So you’ve got to talk about more than just your book if you want to successfully advertise your unfinished book on Instagram.

To figure out what to share about yourself as a writer, ask yourself these questions: 

What makes me unique as a person AND as a writer? 

Who is my ideal reader?

If I wrote 3 books, what would interest my audience about ME that I could use for the long haul?

3 - Connect with other writers, book bloggers, and readers.

Now is the time to make important connections! If you wait until it’s time to actually market a finished book, you’ll be stressed out and overwhelmed. 

Things are easy now – there’s no pressure of a marketing campaign.
Form solid relationships now, so you’ve got a network of support and fans by the time you actually start marketing.


How to Attract Readers on Instagram