How to Attract Readers on Instagram
It’s time to attract more readers on Instagram! And I’m showing you 4 ways to do exactly that.
Do you have plenty of writers following you on Instagram… but not a lot of readers? This is a totally normal problem for writers and authors.
If you’re only talking about writing, you’re only going to attract other writers. Don’t do your work a disservice. You deserve to have engaged readers in your audience and I’m going to show you how to make it happen.
How to Attract Readers on Instagram
1 - Offer VALUE first, relatability second, and promotion last
This may go against your typical way of posting, but that’s part of the problem. Instead of constantly promoting your work, find ways to bring significant value to your audience.
Value is anything that adds positively to your audience’s day.
You want to offer value to your current audience, your ideal reader, and those who don’t write.
Most importantly, you want to sell LAST. No one wants to follow someone who only talks about their book.
2 - Share what you read and ask others what they’re reading
If you want to attract readers on Instagram who read your type of books, make sure you’re sharing about books in your typical genre.
Use this as a chance to get personal and share about some of the books that have shaped you as a writer!
If you really want to get strategic, hop on Amazon and find books similar to what you write. Then go check out the author on Instagram and connect with some of their followers – they’re likely your ideal readers!
3 - Tell others about your passion and share why your writing is valuable
When you talk about your writing, make sure you’re connecting it to how it helps or serves your readers.
Give people a chance to emotionally connect with your writing by sharing about why you write, what inspires you, and what you love about your work.
4 - Talk about your hobbies & things you love outside of writing
This is one of my favorite tips! Think about four things you’re passionate about in life outside of writing. Maybe you love: dogs, reading, drawing, and cooking. Post about these things to build connections with potential readers who have similar interests and passions.
This is a fun way to share non-book photos, too! Post a snap of your cute pup or a beautiful plate of food you whipped up for dinner.