5 Ways to Encourage & Build Community on Instagram
You want to encourage community on your Instagram (that’s why we’re all here, right?) but you just don’t know how to make it happen. Don’t worry! I’ve got 5 simple ways to encourage and build community on Instagram, just for writers and creatives.
Keeping up on social media can feel exhausting. I do this for a living and it still wears me out sometimes, so I understand how you feel.
But the whole point of showing up on social media is really to build a community of engaged readers who are into you and your writing. So it’s kind of vital that you encourage community on your Instagram.
But how do I do that, Hannah?
Glad you asked! Let me show you five simple ways to encourage and build the community you’re after.
How to Encourage & Build Community on Instagram
1 - Use question boxes, polls, and stickers on your Instagram stories.
Not using stories yet? You’ve got to get on that! It’s one of the best places to build community.
Now when you’ve got a story ready to go, throw on a sticker to encourage audience interaction. It’ll increase your engagement (so Instagram shows your stories to more people) and help your audience feel invested in your content.
Author Tip: Ask questions about the writing process in a poll or give people a fill-in-the-blank option like “I want to finish my novel by ____” for people to answer in a question box.
2 - Respond to all comments and comment on other people’s posts.
The point of social media is to be, well… social. So make sure you give a thoughtful response when someone takes the time to comment on your post.
Set aside 15 minutes a few times a week to go and comment on your audience’s posts as well. (If that feels too time consuming or stressful… we should chat!)
Pro Tip: The faster you respond to comments, the better it is for getting your content seen by more people. Stick around for 15-30 minutes after posting to respond to those first comments immediately!
3 - Ask others about themselves.
This goes back to the social part of social media again. Showing you care and are interested in others will help them care about and be interested in you! And you never know, you might just make a new Instagram friend or two.
Author Tip: Write a post asking your followers about their favorite setting or genre to write in.
4 - Keep a list of people you’ve connected with and check in.
This will help you be intentional and make sure you’re not leaving anyone out. You can access your “least interacted with” tab under your followers to see who you engage with least, and see if there’s anyone there who seems like a good fit for your audience.
Pro Tip: Have a rotation for how you do this so you’re not interacting with the same people over and over again,
5 - Send personalized welcome messages to new followers.
A voice memo is a great (and faster!) way to do this. Use their name, welcome them to their community, and tell them why you’re excited to connect with them. Avoid sending or using generic welcome messages.
Pro Tip: NEVER DM someone about your books or products before you’ve ever had a conversation with them. This never goes over well.